Биография наполеона бонапарта на английском с переводом. Napoleon Bonaparte - Наполеон Бонапарт, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Corsica Island. He was the greatest hero of France. His family had moved there from Italy in the 16th century. His original name was Napoleone and his original nationality was Corsican-Italian.

His father was a lawyer, and was anti-French. One reason Napoleon may have been such a great leader and revolutionary, that he was raised in a family of radicals. When Napoleon was nine, his father sent him to Brienne, a French military government school in Paris. It was there that he received his military training. He studied to be an artilleryman and an of f i-cero He finished his training and joined the French army when he was just 16.

Napoleon was assigned to work in Paris in 1792. After the French monarchy was overthrown in August 1792, he was promoted to captain.

In 1793, he was chosen to direct the artillery against the siege in Toulon. Very soon after Toulon fell and Napoleon was promoted to brigadier general. He was made commander of the French army in Italy and defeated many Austrian Generals. Soon after this Austria and France made peace and Napoleon was released from his command, he was suspected of treason. In 1795, he broke up a revolt and saved the French government. He had earned back respect and* he was once again given command of the French Army in Italy. He came up with a plan that worked very well. "He would cut the enemy"s army in to two parts, then attack one side of them before the other side could help them".

After this, Napoleon was almost impossible to stop. He made an unsuccessful attempt to invade Egypt and in 1799 he returned to France to find the Directory (the French Government) in a mess. He overthrew the Directory, and created a new government, in which there were three consuls and he was the most important one. At this time, everyone in France loved and admired Napoleon; his power increased. In 1802 France signed a peace treaty with England and Germany.

He re-established the University of France, reformed the education system, and founded the Bank of France. He also made the Napoleonic Code: the first clear, compact statement of the French law. The Napoleonic Code has served as a base for legal systems around the world until this day.

Soon he changed the government again and declared himself the Emperor of France. He married Marie Louise, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. Soon his son was born. He now was the ruler of a Great Empire, and he had 42 million people under his control.

Then he tried to invade Russia, after that his empire began to crumble.

And on April 6,1814, he was forced from the throne and was exiled to the island of Elba. About a year later, he gathered about 1,000 soldiers and went to Paris and regained power. He ruled for a short time and then he surrendered to the English.

He was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic, where he stayed until he died on May 5, 1821. He is supposed to die of cancer, but there are rumours that he was poisoned.

Napoleon I, also called Napoleon Bonaparte was the greatest military genius of his era and maybe the greatest general in history. He created an empire that covered most of western and central Europe.

Early life

Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769 on the island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. Because the island belonged to France Napoleon was a French citizen.

At the age of 9 he entered a French military school. While he was an average student in most subjects he was extremely good at mathematics. At 16 he graduated and became an artillery officer in the French army.

Military Career

During the French Revolution Napoleon was stationed in Paris. This was a critical time for France because the country was at war with many European countries. In that year the monarchy was overthrown and France became a republic. During the revolution Napoleon defended the new government and joined the Jacobins, a radical political group in France.

Rise to Power

In the years that followed Napoleon fought many battles in most of Europe. In 1796 he became commander in chief of all French forces in Italy. From Italy Napoleon invaded Austria, France"s most powerful enemy. As Napoleon approached Vienna, the Austrians surrendered and were forced to give up Belgium to France.

Napoleon"s victories made him very popular with the French people. He was able to convince France"s government – the Directory- that he could cut off British trade to Asia by occupying Egypt. But the British commander Horatio Nelson defeated Napoleon in the Battle of the Nile in 1798 and most of his fleet was destroyed.

Consul and Emperor

In 1799 Napoleon returned to Paris. With the help of his followers he overthrew the French government, which was very unpopular at that time because it had lost other wars. A consulate of three men was created to govern France, but Napoleon, who was the First Consul, held all the power.

As soon as he was in control of France Napoleon began to reform the country. He modernized the government, founded the Bank of France and reorganized higher education. But his greatest achievement was the Code Napoleon, a collection of laws that allowed people many liberties they had received during the Revolution. The code still forms the basis of civil law in France.

In 1804 Napoleon changed France from a consulate to an empire. He became emperor and crowned himself at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

When Napoleon seized power he began to concentrate on his dream of controlling all of Europe. In the Napoleonic Wars he fought against Prussia, Austria, Great Britain and Russia.

In 1805 Napoleon"s fleet was defeated again by Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar, off the coast of Spain. In retaliation Napoleon tried to ruin England"s economy. He forbade countries that he controlled to trade with France but this didn"t work because they needed British goods. Although he had to give up his plan of conquering Great Britain he continued winning against other European armies on the ground.

Napoleon put his relatives on the thrones of the conquered territories. After his first marriage had ended in divorce, the emperor married Marie Louise, daughter of the emperor of Austria. Within a year they had a son whom he gave the title king of Rome.

In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia because the Russians did not want to help blockade Britain. It turned out to be the biggest mistake of his career. When the French moved forward the Russian army retreated and burned down everything that the French might be able to use. When Napoleon finally reached Moscow, a huge fire broke out, destroying much of the city. Napoleon could do nothing but turn back. When the winter came and it started to snow most of Napoleon"s soldiers died. It was the greatest disasters in military history.

Napoleon"s Decline

Napoleon"s enemies saw their chance. One by one they rose against him. Britain, Austria and Prussia joined Russia in their fight against Napoleon. The French were defeated in the Battle of Leipzig in today"s Germany. In 1814 the enemies captured Paris and Napoleon had to give up his throne.

Napoleon was banned on the island of Elba near Corsica, where he stayed for only 10 months. In March 1815 he escaped from prison and, together with his old supporters began a march on Paris. The king fled and for a short time Napoleon once again ruled France. This period, known as the Hundred Days, ended on June 18, 1815 when Napoleon was defeated for the last time at the Battle of Waterloo, Belgium.

Final years

After this final defeat, Napoleon was taken prisoner by the British who put him on the tiny island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic. He stayed there until he died in 1821.

Napoléon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars in Europe. He was born in a family of landed gentry. In 1785 Napoléon graduated from the Paris Military School as a lieutenant and served in the regiment in South France.

In 1793 Napoléon was promoted to capitan and sent to the army, which besieged Toulon. Thanks to the Napoléons plan British had to quickly leave Toulon. Napoléon, who was 24, was promoted to the brigadier general. In 1795 he suppressed monarchist rebellion in Paris, and after that was appointed commander of the army in Italy. In 1798 he went on a military expedition to Egypt and Syria, but willfully left the army to confront the army of Suvorov in Italy.

In 1799 Napoléon,on his way to Italy, made a military coup in Paris, becoming one of three consuls of France. In 1804 he became Emperor of France. Napoléon Bonaparte won a series of brilliant victories against armies of European coalition. For example, battle of Marengo (1804), Austerlitz, Jena and Auershtede (1806), Wagram (1809). These victories led him to have dominion over the majority of the countries of Europe.

New reign of Emperor lasted only 100 days and ended with his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in June He had to abdicate second time. Napoléon was exiled to Saint Helena, where he died six years later.

Наполеон I Бонапарт (1769-1821 гг.)

Французский император, гениальный полководец. Родился в семье мелкопоместного дворянина. В 1785 г. в чине поручика окончил Парижскую военную школу, служил в полку в Южной Франции.

Был произведен в капитаны и направлен в войска, осаждавшие Тулон, захваченный англичанами. Благодаря плану, разработанному Наполеоном, англичанам пришлось срочно покинуть город.
Тулон пал, а сам Наполеон, которому было всего 24 года, был сразу же произведен в бригадные генералы. В 1795 г. решительно подавил монархистский мятеж в Париже, после чего был назначен главнокомандующим армией в Италии, где проявил свое мастерство, разгромив австрийские и итальянские войска. В 1798 г. отправился в военную экспедицию в Египет и Сирию, однако самовольно оставил войска, чтобы противостоять армии А.В. Суворова в Италии.

В 1799 г. по пути в Италию произвел военный переворот в Париже, став одним из трех консулов Франции. В 1804 г. стал императором Франции. Одержал серию блестящих побед над войсками европейских коалиций - при Маренго (1804 г.), при Аустерлице, Иене и Ауэрштеде (1806 г.), Ваграме (1809 г.), что привело его к владычеству над большинством стран Европы. Стремясь к мировому господству, Наполеон в 1812 г. напал на Россию и в результате героического
сопротивления русской армии и народа потерпел поражение. Наполеоновская империя была разбита, а Париж в 1814 г. взят войсками союзников.

Наполеон отрекся от престола и был сослан на остров Эльба, с сохранением титула императора. Через год высадился на берег Франции и двинулся к Парижу, где находилось правительство короля Людовика XVIII.

Новое господство императора продолжалось всего сто дней и закончилось его поражением в битве при Ватерлоо в июне 1815 г.

Ему пришлось вторично отречься от престола. Наполеон был сослан на остров Святой Елены, где умер через шесть лет.

    есть ошибки..
    битва при Маренго была в 1800 году, совершил он переворот не по-пути в Италию, а вернувшись из Египта. И странно, что не написана дата самой известной победы-Аустерлиц 1805.

Napoleon I Bonaparte (ital. Napoleone Buonaparte, FR. Napoléon Bonaparte, August 15, 1769, Ajaccio, Corsica - 5 may 1821, Longwood, O. of St. Helena) - the Emperor of France 1804-1815, French military leader and statesman, who laid the foundations of the modern French state. Napoleon was born in Ajaccio on the island of Corsica, which has long been under the control of the Republic of Genoa. In 1755 Corsica overthrew the Genoese domination and since that time actually existed as an independent state under the leadership of the local landowner Pasquale Paoli, the Secretary of which was the father of Napoleon. In 1768 the Genoese Republic sold its rights to Corsica to the French king Louis XV. In may 1769 in battle Just when French troops defeated the Corsican rebels, and Paoli emigrated to England. Napoleon was born 3 months after these events. Paoli until 1790-ies remained his idol.

Napoleon was the second of 13 children of Carlo and Letizia Bonaparte, Ramolino, five of whom died at an early age. The family belonged to the minor nobility and lived on the island since the beginning of XVI century. Although in the past Carlo Buonaparte was one of the drafters of the Constitution of Corsica, he obeyed the French Supreme power, to be able to give their children education in France. This has helped him to win the favor of the French, and in 1771 Carlo was appointed assessor and became a representative of the nobility in the Corsican Parliament in Paris .

Initially the children were studied at the city school Ajaccio, later Napoleon and some of his brothers and sisters were taught writing and math Abbot. Much success Napoleon reached in mathematics. ____
The crisis of power in Paris reached its apogee to 1799, when Bonaparte was with the army in Egypt. A corrupt Directory was not able to provide the conquests of the revolution. In Italy Russo-Austrian army, commanded by Alexander Suvorov, has closed the acquisition of Napoleon, and even faced the threat of invasion by France. Under these conditions, returning from Egypt, a popular General, relying on loyal army, dispersed representative bodies and the Directory and proclaimed Under the new Constitution, legislative power is shared between the State Council, Tribunate, the Legislative body and the Senate, making her helpless and clumsy. The Executive power, on the contrary, gathered in one fist of the first Consul, that is Bonaparte. The second and third consuls had only a consultative vote. The Constitution was approved by the people at a plebiscite (about 3 million votes to 1.5 thousand) (1800). Later Napoleon pushed through the Senate a decree on poziznennoe their powers (1802), and then proclaimed himself Emperor of France (1804).

At the moment when Napoleon came to power, France was at war with Austria and England. New Italian campaign of Bonaparte resembled the first. After crossing the Alps, the French army suddenly appeared in Northern Italy, enthusiastically meet the local population. Decisive was the victory in the battle of Marengo (1800). The threat to the French border was eliminated