Топик по английскому языку на тему - Nature Protection для всех классов школы.

Environmental Protection
Ecological problems are becoming more and more important today. People all over the world discuss environmental protection, but we still go on polluting air, water and soil.
Air pollution is the biggest problem of large cities and industrial areas. It is usually caused by different means of transport. Cars, buses and planes are among the worst air polluters. Factories and plants also pollute air by pouring harmful emissions into the air causing lung diseases and doing harm to our health. As a result, acid rains appear and damage forests and soil.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and give out oxygen in return. In some parts of the world, such as Asia and South America, trees are threatened not by pollution, but by people. The rainforests are destroyed for firewood and building materials. If we lose tropical forests, it will become more difficult to breathe, because they provide 50 per cent of the world"s annual production of oxygen. With more carbon dioxide in the air, the temperature on the planet will rise and this will cause global warming.
How can the problems of air pollution be solved? First of all, people should try to use alternative sources of energy, such as solar, water or wind energies, or at least to burn smokeless fuels.
There are ways to reduce air pollution caused by road traffic. It is possible to build more railways and to support public transportation. Also, people should be encouraged to drive at the speed limit in order to use fuel more efficiently. Another way is to encourage tree planting, because trees absorb carbon dioxide. Special kinds of gasoline for cars can also help to reduce air pollution.
Water pollution is as dangerous as air pollution. Factories and plants dump wastes into rivers and lakes polluting them. Wastes that get into rivers, streams and oceans can entangle wildlife or be mistaken by them for food and spread diseases to humans. Rain or excess water can wash fertilisers into rivers and streams, causing excess weeds to grow.
There are several things that can be done to restore polluted waterways back to normal. You should make sure you never throw anything that could be toxic down a drain or onto soil. Basically, it is important to remember that anything that gets onto the ground can eventually end up in a river, lake or stream. So, make sure you do not allow any chemicals or waste to go on the ground or down the drain.
Soil pollution does not allow plants to grow and makes people sick after they eat fruit and vegetables grown on polluted soil. People also pollute soil by throwing litter onto it. Forests are full of used bottles and cans. Such litter can be found in rivers and lakes too which makes wild animals sick and causes their death. This can be stopped if you make sure that you throw litter into recycling bins and take litter with you after a picnic in a forest or on a river bank.
Every day we throw away a lot of litter, which, actually, we can use again, for example paper, cloth, glass, plastic, etc. Everybody should know the three r"s: reduce, reuse and recycle. Water and electricity can and should be reduced. We should reuse whatever we can: plastic bags, paper, cans, glass and bottles. Paper and plastic, for example, are also recycled at factories and plants and we get paper and plastic bags made from recycled materials.
It is impossible to stop technological process, to close «all factories and plants to prevent pollution, but people need to invent new waste-free technologies that will not damage the environment. There are new inventions such as self-destructible plastic bags which turn into powder if you keep them for some time or leave them in the forest. There are up-to-date filters that make water and air clean and that some factories and plants have started using to prevent pollution.
We must not ignore the problems of environmental pollution and we have to try and make everything possible to stop or at least reduce it.

1. Вступление (Ecological problems are becoming more and more important today. People all over the world discuss environmental protection, but we still go on polluting air, water and soil.).
2. Рассказать о типах загрязнений, почему они возникают и как можно с ними бороться (air pollution: transport/factories and plants/acid rains/damage forests and soil/oxygen/rainforests are destroyed/alternative sources of energy/building more motorways, etc.; water pollution: factories and plants dump wastes/poison rivers/spread diseases to humans/never throw toxic things into the drain/etc.; soil pollution: litter/used bottles and cans/causes death of animals/throw litter into litter bins, etc.).
3. Рассказать в общем о том, как можно сократить загрязнение окружающей среды (three r"s/reduce water and electricity/reuse and recycle plastic bags/paper/cans/glass, etc., new waste-free technologies/self-destructible plastic bags/up-to-date filters, etc.).
4. Заключение (We must not ignore the problems of environmental pollution and we have to try and make everything possible to stop or at least reduce it.).

1. Are the ecological problems important today?
2. What causes air pollution and what kind of emissions are emitted into the air?
3. How can acid rain be caused?
4. How does acid rain affect our environment?
5. Why are trees important for life on earth?
6. What kind of climate changes can air pollution cause?
7. What are the ways of reducing air pollution?
8. What measures can we take to reduce air pollution by road traffic?
9. How does water pollution occur?
10. What can be done to reduce water pollution?
11. How is land pollution caused?
12. What are the possibilities of reusing waste materials?
13. How can we get rid of waste of all kinds?
14. What can be done with litter in the streets?
15. What can people do to prevent pollution?
16. What areas does pollution affect?
17. What is the role of technology in reducing pollution?
18. What causes noise pollution and how can we reduce it?
19. What kind of protection do animals and plants need?

air pollution загрязнение воздуха
disposal уборка, избавление от отходов
dump сбрасывать, сливать
efficiency производительность, эффективность
emission выброс
environment окружающая среда
fossil fuel природное топливо
global warming глобальное потепление
leak утечка; протекать
litter bin мусорный бак
noise pollution шумовое загрязнение
poison яд
poisonous ядовитый
pollute загрязнять
pollution загрязнение
pollutant загрязнитель
rubbish/litter мусор
sewage сточные воды
soil pollution загрязнение почвы
storage хранилище
store хранить
waste отходы
waste disposal утилизация отходов
water pollution загрязнение воды

The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems of the 20th century. The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields — everything that makes the foundation of industrial and agricultural production. The development of industry has had a bad influence on the nature of the whole world. People often do things which pollute land and waters greatly. It is very dangerous because it damages health of the people.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 caused radioactive contamination of a vast area around the plant. Soviet statements indicate that 31 people died as a result of the accident but the actual number of deaths caused by the radiation is still unknown. More than 100,000 Ukrainian citizens were evacuated from the city of Chernobyl and other areas around the reactor site.

Environmental protection is a great concern of the Ukrainian Government. The Ministry of Environmental Protection was founded in Ukraine. Their tasks are to control the state of the environment and sources of pollution, to protect the water resources of Ukraine, to extend the network of nature reserves and to maintain co-operation with international ecological organizations.

Campaign for environmental protection is supported by public organizations and individuals. The Ukrainian Green Party is very active today. "Zeleny Svit" is the Ukrainian ecological newspaper. It calls on people to protect the natural wealth and to use it in a more careful and economical manner for the benefit of the present and future generations.


Охрана природы стала одной из наиболее острых проблем двадцатого века. Земля дает людям полезные ископаемые, реки, леса, поля — все, что является основой промышленного и сельскохозяйственного производства. Развитие промышленности оказывает вредное влияние на природу во всем мире. Люди часто делают то, что значительно загрязняет земли и воды. Это очень опасно, потому что это вредит здоровью людей.

Авария на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции в апреле 1986 года вызвала радиоактивное заражение огромной территории вокруг станции. Советские сводки показывают, что 31 человек погиб в результате аварии, но реальное количество смертей, вызванных излучением до сих пор неизвестно. Более 100 тысяч украинских граждан были эвакуированы из города Чернобыль и других районов, прилегающих к реактору.

Охрана окружающей среды вызывает большую обеспокоенность украинского правительства. Министерство охраны окружающей среды было создано в Украине. Его задачи заключаются в контроле за состоянием окружающей среды и источников загрязнения, защиты водных ресурсов Украины, расширении сети заповедников и поддерживании сотрудничества с международными экологическими организациями.

Кампания по защите окружающей среды осуществляется при поддержке общественных организаций и частных лиц. Украинская Партия Зеленых очень активна. "Зеленый Свит" является украинской экологической газетой. Она призывает людей защитить природные богатства и использовать их более тщательным и экономичным образом на благо нынешнего и будущих поколений.

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На этой странице находится топик по английскому по теме ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION

The Earth is the only planet in the soiar system where there is life. If you look down at the Earth from a plane you will see how wonderful our planet is. You will see blue seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, high snow-capped mountains, green forests and fields. For centuries man had lived in harmony with nature until industrialization brought human society into conflict with the natural environment. Today, the contradictions between man and nature have acquired a dramatic character. With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature has increased. Every year the world’s industry pollutes the atmosphere with millions of tons of dust and other harmful substances. The seas and rivers are poisoned with industrial waste, chemical and sewage discharge. People who live in big cities are badly affected by harmful discharge from plants and city transport and by the increasing noise level which is as bad for human health as lack of fresh air and clean water.

Among the most urgent problems are the depletion of the ozone layer, acid rains and global warming that lead to unfavourable changes in the world’s climate.

Another serious ecological problem is the disappearance of forests. Some of them die from acid rains, others are cut down. Rain forests disappear at an alarming rate. If man continues to cut down rain forests, more than one million species of plants and animals will become extinct by the year of 2030.

Water is often looked upon as a dumping place where sewage and industrial waste can be washed away and hopefully disappear. As a result some rivers and lakes are so badly polluted that the water is unfit for bathing.

There are a lot of places on our planet that need immediate help. Our country is no exception. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl has seriously aggravated the ecological situation in Belarus. About 18 per cent of the country’s soil are unfit for farming and some districts in the south-east of the country are dangerous to live in.

Today people are aware that our life depends on the state of the environment. Pollution kills everything that is alive. It ruins nature creating serious dangers to the flora, fauna and man himself. So nature protection should become everybody’s concern.

I believe that environmental disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile and people must obey the unwritten laws of nature. Governments must be prepared to take action against pollution. Air pollution could be reduced if plants and factories were made to fit effective filters on chimneys and car exhausts. Green zones around big cities must be protected and extended. Natural resources should be used more economically because their stocks are not unlimited.

Today more and more people are aware of the necessity to stop the damage done by man to nature. Different nongovernmental organizations work actively to protect nature. The international organization «Greenpeace» is one of them. It has brought the plight of the natural world to the attention of other people. The «Greenpeace» sent its boats to protect whales, and today commercial whaling is banned. In the North Sea Greenpeace swimmers turned back dump ships carrying chemical waste, and new laws to protect the North Sea have been considered.

It’s time we asked ourselves a question, «What can I do to protect nature?» When I look around I realize that not all people understand the importance of nature protection. On fine summer days a lot of people go out of town. They have picnics on the shores of lakes and the banks of rivers or on beautiful forest glades and they often leave behind a lot of rubbish - plastic bags and bottles, tins and paper. It makes me feel sad when I see people returning to town with huge bunches of forest or meadow flowers. Many of these plants are included into the Red Book which contains the names of rare plants and animals. Some of them have become extinct and others are on the verge of disappearing. If we don’t realize that we are all responsible for what’s happening around us we will never feel secure about the future of the world we live in.

The protection of environment has become one of the most burning problems of our century.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we grow grain and vegetables. Every year the world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

The pollution of air and the world"s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man"s careless interaction with nature, a sign of ecological crisis.

The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people in the result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in April 1986. A great damage has been done to ukraine"s agriculture, forests and people"s health.

Environmental protection is a global problem. That is why the most serious measures to create a universal system of ecological security should be taken.

The activity of various environmental organisations to help improve the situation. Among them are the Greenpeace and The Green Party.

If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and to protect it from destructive man"s activities, very soon we"ll have no world to live in.


environment - окружающая среда (окружение)

by-product ["baɪ,prɔdʌkt] - побочный (промежуточный) продукт

to pollute - загрязнять

harmful substances ["ha:mful "sʌbst(ə)nsɪs] - вредные вещества

to upset [ʌp"set] - нарушать

species ["spi:ʃɪz] - биол. виды

destruction - разрушение; разрушение

careless ["kɛəlɪs] interaction [,ɪntər"ækʃ(ə)n] - небрежная взаимодействие

to befall (befell, befallen) - случаться, петься

to take measures - принимать меры


1. What are the consequences of water, air pollution ?

2. Why did some species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever ?

3. What is the result of man"s careless interaction with nature?

4. What do you know about the Chernobyl disaster?

5. What should people do if they want to live on the Earth ?

Защита окружающей среды

Защита окружающей среды - это одна из острейших проблем нашей современности.

Сейчас во всем мире многие крупные города с тысячами дымных индустриальных предприятий. Побочные продукты их деятельности загрязняют воздух, которым мы дышим, воду, которую мы пьем, почва, на которой мы выращиваем зерно и овощи. Ежегодно промышленные предприятия мира выбрасывают в атмосферу примерно тысячу миллионов тонн пыли и другие вредные вещества. Многие города страдают от густого тумана с дымом и копотью. Большие леса вырубаются. их исчезновение нарушает баланс кислорода. В результате некоторые редкие виды животных, птиц, рыб и растений исчезают навсегда, множество рек и озер высыхают.

Загрязнение воздуха и мирового океана, разрушение озонового слоя - это результат небрежной взаимодействия человека с природой, признаком экологического кризиса.

Самая ужасная экологическая катастрофа постигла Украину и ее людей вследствие аварии на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции в апреле 1986 года. Большой ущерб был нанесен сельскому хозяйству, лесам и здоровью людей Украины.

Защита окружающей среды - глобальная проблема. Именно поэтому должны быть приняты самые серьезные меры для создания всемирной системы экологической безопасности.

Деятельность различных организаций, направленная на защиту окружающей среды, помогает улучшать ситуацию. Среди таких организаций - Гринпис и Партия зеленых.

Если мы не научимся использовать окружающую среду бережно и защищать его от разрушительных действий человека, очень скоро нам негде будет жить.

Человечество слишком долго ведет себя на планете как неразумный хозяин. Создавая удобства для комфортной жизни, мы напрочь забыли о том, что ресурсы природы вовсе не безграничны. Что жить в городах с грязным воздухом, придется нашим детям. Настало время вспомнить о том, что природа не прощает ошибок. Мы должны позаботиться о ней, вспомнить, что мы сами — часть этой природы. So, is it ok to bite the hand that feeds?

Essay on Environmental Protection

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, and it is so far the only place where human beings can live.

We always polluted our surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a huge problem. People lived in the countryside and couldn’t produce such amount of pollution that would lead to a dangerous situation on a global scale.

With the development of industrial cities, which create huge amounts of pollutants, the problem has become real. Nowadays our planet is in serious danger. Global warming, acid rains, air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth.

Every year world industry pollutes the air that we breathe with. A great number of cities suffer from smog. Rainforests are cut down. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result, some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants are extinct. A lot of seas, rivers and lakes are filled with poison like industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The pollution of air and the world"s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man"s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis.

People should consider their attitude to the environment. Some progress has already been made in this direction. Numerous conferences have been held by a lot of agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass and Chernobyl. Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.

What can we do to save our planet? First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as solar power or wind power. Secondly, the use of atomic power must be banned. Thirdly, we need to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products. It would be a good idea if people started riding bicycles instead of driving cars. We are obliged to protect nature. If everybody cares, it will make a difference.

Сочинение на тему Защита окружающей среды

Наша планета Земля — всего лишь крошечная часть вселенной, и на данный момент это единственное место, где могут жить люди.

Мы всегда загрязняли окружающую среду. Но до сих пор загрязнение не было такой огромной проблемой. Люди жили в сельской местности и не могли производить такое огромное количество загрязнения, которое могло бы привести к опасной ситуации в глобальном масштабе.

С развитием промышленных городов, которые производят огромное количество загрязняющих веществ, проблема стала реальной. В наши дни наша планета находится в серьезной опасности. Глобальное потепление, кислотные дожди, загрязнение воздуха и воды, перенаселенность — это проблемы, которые угрожают жизни людей на Земле.

Каждый год мировая промышленность загрязняет воздух, которым мы дышим. Огромное количество городов страдает от смога. Тропические леса вырубаются. Их исчезновение нарушает баланс кислорода. В результате исчезают редкие виды животных, птиц, рыб и растений. Много морей, рек и озер заполнены ядом: промышленными и ядерными отходами, химическими удобрениями и пестицидами. Загрязнение воздуха и мирового океана, разрушение озонового слоя является следствием небрежного взаимодействия человека с природой, признаком экологического кризиса.

Люди должны обдумать свое отношение к окружающей среде. В этом направлении уже достигнут определенный прогресс. Различные организации проводят многочисленные конференции для обсуждения проблем, с которыми сталкиваются экологически бедные регионы, включая Аральское море, Южный Урал, Кузбасс, Донбасс и Чернобыль. Организация «Гринпис» также делает много для сохранения окружающей среды.

Что мы можем сделать, чтобы спасти нашу планету? Прежде всего, люди должны переключиться на альтернативные формы энергии, такие как солнечная энергия или энергия ветра. Во-вторых, использование атомной энергии должно быть запрещено. В-третьих, нам нужно перерабатывать. Это искусство превращения отходов в новые продукты. Было бы неплохо, если бы люди начали кататься на велосипедах, а не водить автомобили. Мы обязаны защищать природу. Если все будут заботится, это изменит ситуацию.

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