Джил брейкер ios 10.3 1.

Apple recently released iOS 10.3.1 after the iOS 10.3 update on 3rd of April with many of the bug fixes and improvements. Before the iOS 10.3.1 official update they released first beta version of iOS 10.3.2 on 28th of March. So now the iOS 10.3.2 is on beta state. We hope it will released officially very soon by Apple. And also we are expecting iOS 10.3.3 update after the iOS 10.3.2. So in here we are going to discuss current Pangu iOS jailbreak with the iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 10.3.3 Jailbreak with Cydia download for iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 10.3.3.

Pangu iOS 10.3.2 / 10.3.3 Download

Cydia download on iOS 10.3.2 and 10.3.3

As we all know officially there is no any working Jailbreak is released for iOS 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch devices. Officially Pangu Jailbreak is only availble for iOS 9.3.3 and below versions. So to Cydia download on iOS 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 devices we can use Online Pangu Jailbreak tool. This is a Online Safari browser based method that everyone can use very easily to Jailbreak their iOS 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 devices and to download cydia on iOS 10.3.2 devices without any technical knowledge.

Follow below steps carefully with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch which you want to Jailbrek iOS 10.3.2 / 10.3.2 with Pangu Online Jailbreak tool.

01. First visit from default safari web browser.

02. Then Online PanguJB tool will automatically detects your iOS device and iOS version.

03. After that tap on “Start” button that appears.

04. Now the Online Pangu Jailbreak process starts.

05. When the Jailbreak process completed successfully you will see “ADD TO HOMESCREEN” button, tap on it.

06. As the last step tap on “Install” button.

07. Now you will see “Cydia ” app on your Home screen.

Current Jailbreak Status!

Till now the only working Jailbreak available for iOS 10.1 and iOS 10.2 is the . No any other Jailbreak teams like Pangu, TaiG able to jailbreak iOS 10 and above version. The latest version released by the Pangu team is Pangu iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak. After that they become silent. Still we are hoping their jailbreak because Pangu Jailbreak are very stable, safe and reliable. So many of the Pangu fans are waiting to get a working Pangu iOS 10.3.2 and Pangu iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak.

Для iPhone, iPad и IPod Touch так и не вышел. Пока пользователи могут довольствоваться лишь инструментом , который, кстати, имеет немало ограничений (поддерживает не все версии “яблочных устройств» и не все версии iOS 10). Однако в скором времени ситуация может кардинально измениться, и Yalu может стать бесполезным эксплоитом для джейлбрейк-сообщества.

Новый инструмент для jailbreak iOS 10.3 представит хакер из Китая, известный под ником 0xnever. В своем Твиттер-аккаунте он анонсировал новый эксплоит, указав на скорый его выход в свет. Примечательно, что он будет поддерживать все модели iPhone, iPad и iPod Touch без ограничений и даже прошивку iOS 10.3, которую сегодня пока не удалось взломать.

Разработчик также утверждает, что его эксплоит сможет в один клик изменить полупривязанный джейлбрейк iOS 10.х на непривязанный. Ему удалось найти нужные уязвимости и использовать их в своих целях. Чтобы не быть голословным, хакер опубликовал в сети два изображения, подтверждающих возможность сделать непривязанный джейлбрейк iOS 10.3. Скриншоты сделаны с iPhone 6s с iOS 10.3 на борту, на устройстве установлен магазин твиков Cydia версии 1.1.30.

Скачать jailbreak iOS 10.3

Как скоро инструмент появится в публичном доступе, пока не известно. Но хакер обещает выпустить его в самое ближайшее время. Надеемся, что его слова не окажутся пустыми. При первой возможности мы опубликуем на нашем ресурсе статью со ссылкой на непривязанный джейлбрейк iOS 10.3 и инструкцией для взлома.

PP jailbreak has been released for iOS 8 by a team of Chinese developers, supporting all compatible devices. PP team didn’t get off to the best of starts when they were associated with an app store containing copied content but have since cleaned up their act and are now one of the most reliable and trustworthy of all jailbreak teams. The jailbreak is a godsend for those still on iOS 8 as it opens up a whole world of possibilities ignored by the newer jailbreaks.

An untethered jailbreak, PP does not need to be reactivated when your device reboots and it is perfectly safe to use.

Important Points:

Before you move on, there are a few important points that you should be aware of:

  • PP jailbreak is only available for Mac users; Windows users should use Taig Jailbreak . Update: Windows Version of PP has been released. Links available below.
  • Back your data up before using PP jailbreak just in case anything goes wrong 0 you don’t want to lose all your data
  • Disable your firewall and anti-virus – this must be re-enabled after the jailbreak has completed
  • Disable your Touch ID, Passcode and Find my iPhone/iPad; again, these can be re-enabled afterward
  • You must check out the latest iOS 8 Jailbreak tools which might be more stable and have better jailbreak success rate for your device.

Supported Devices:

PP jailbreak works on all the following devices:

  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus
  • iPad Mini, Mini 2, Mini 3
  • iPad Air, Air 2
  • iPad 2, 3, 4
  • iPod Touch 5G

How to Install PP Jailbreak on iOS 8:

Installing PP Jailbreak can be done in this way. The app is in Chinese so please follow these steps carefully:

Open Cydia and set it up and then re-enable your passcode, Touch ID, Find my iPhone, your firewall and anti-virus.

Troubleshooting PP Jailbreak:

Some users have reported that, after updating Over-the Air, the jailbreak did not work. OTA and Cydia are not compatible so carry out a fresh update using iTunes rather than OTA and then reinstall the PP Jailbreak – it will now work correctly.

Don’t forget to let us now how you get on and follow us on Facebook for all the latest updates and jailbreak developments.

*Please let us know if the Download LINKS on this page are NOT WORKING.

) . It cannot be installed directly; a useful tool called Cydia Impactor must be used to sideload Yalu jailbreak and it is worth keeping in mind that it is semi-untethered, which we’ll talk more about later.

Yalu jailbreak, despite being semi-untethered, is a full jailbreak and comes complete with Cydia and with Cydia Substrate; if your device is compatible, you can easily use Yalu for downloading your favorite Cydia tweaks without having to do anything else.

Important Points:

Yalu jailbreak is not compatible with all devices, only the following ones iOS 10.0.1 to iOS 10.2:

  • iPhone SE, 5, 5S, 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus
  • iPad Air, Air 2
  • iPad Mini, Mini 2, Mini 3, Mini 4
  • iPad Pro
  • iPod touch 6
  • iPhone 7, 7 Plus

Yalu jailbreak has not been updated to support any version of iOS 10 after iOS 10.2 as Apple already patched the relevant exploits.

Note: (Updated 3rd Oct 2018) There are better jailbreak options available to download and install Cydia on iOS 10.2 and above firmware. You can read more about it on this linked post .

You must backup your data up before you attempt to install Yalu jailbreak and you must ensure that you have enough charge on your battery.

How Does the Yalu Jailbreak Work ?

It is, as mentioned, semi-untethered, which means that you will need to reactivate the jailbreak whenever your device is rebooted. When your device restarts, the kernel will no longer be patched and none of your tweaks will work; when you attempt to use Cydia, it will crash. Reactivating is simple and instructions to do so can be found in our download guide below.

How to Download Yalu Jailbreak:

Yalu jailbreak requires the use of Cydia Impactor to install it onto your device; this is easy enough to do and requires your Apple ID to work. Download Yalu Jailbreak Version yalu102_beta7.

It is worth bearing in mind that, because you have to use your Apple ID for Cydia Impactor to sign and install Yalu, the app certificate will expire after 7 days if you use a free ID, 12 months for a paid developer ID. This will mean that Yalu jailbreak will need to be reinstalled when it expires.

How to Install Yalu Jailbreak:

Cydia Impactor is required to install Yalu jailbreak onto your device and for this you are going to need your Apple ID. The steps below walk you through the entire process:

Once the Cydia icon appears on your home screen, the jailbreak has been successful; tap on the icon to open and set up Cydia for first use and then you can download your favorite apps and tweaks.

How to Re-Jailbreak using Yalu:

It’s as simple as that; you can now begin to download your tweaks and apps once more but don’t forget to install Cydia Eraser first; this useful package allows you to remove your jailbreak without restoring your device to a different iOS version.

Resign Yalu Jailbreak using Extender:

To do this, we need to add a repository to Cydia:

That’s it; now, when the Yalu certificate expires after 7 days, it will be resigned automatically by Extender Installer . You can do this for all apps that you use Cydia Impactor with to sideload to your device and when the resigning is done, you will be notified .

Yalu jailbreak provided a lifeline for many users and, for those still on the relevant iOS versions, it can still be used today. For the latest Cydia and Yalu jailbreak updates, follow us on Facebook.

*Please let us know if the Download LINKS on this page are NOT WORKING.

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It has finally arrived. The jailbreak for iOS 10.0 to 10.3.3 on 32-bit devices is available to the public at last. This is, however, a semi-tethered jailbreak, meaning whenever you reboot your device you will need to follow steps 9 and 10 of the below guide to restore all jailbreak features. This is very easy though so isn’t a big problem. This new jailbreak has currently only been tested on an iPhone 5 running iOS 10.3.3 according to @tihmstar , so you may wish to proceed with caution or wait until it is confirmed to be working with other devices. You should defiantly make sure to backup your device to iCloud or iTunes before attempting this.

The jailbreak tool, called he3lix, can be downloaded from tihmstar’s official website and is compatible with iOS 10.0 to 10.3.3 on supported devices. This new jailbreak only works with 32-bit devices, meaning it will not work with anything newer than the iPhone 5/5c or iPad 4. This tool supports all 32-bit devices that are capable of running iOS 10.0 – 10.3.3 (see list below).

Requirements & Notes:

  • This is compatible with iOS 10.0 – 10.3.3 on supported devices.
  • This is a semi-tethered jailbreak (read steps 9 and 10)
  • This will only work with 32-bit iOS devices (iPhone 5/5c and older)
  • This works with the following devices:
    – iPhone 5
    – iPhone 5c
    – iPad 4
  • This does NOT work with the following devices:
    – iPhone 7/7 Plus
    – iPhone 6s/6s Plus
    – iPhone 6/6 Plus
    – iPhone 5s
    – iPhone SE
    – iPad Air 1
    – iPad Air 2
    – iPad Mini 2/3/4
    – iPad Pro
  • This works on macOS, Windows, and Linux
  • Make sure to backup all your data to iTunes or iCloud before attempting this jailbreak
  • You should turn off Find my iPhone, and your passcode/Touch ID lock before trying to jailbreak
  • If you do not have a paid Apple developer account, the h3lix app will start to crash one week after being installed. This is because the certificate for it will have expired. To fix this, all you need to do is reinstall the h3lix app using the instructions below.

Download Links:

  • Cydia Impactor (Windows / Mac / Linux 32-bit / Linux 64-bit)

Written Guide:

  1. Download the h3lix jailbreak app from the link above and save it somewhere. Then download the latest version of Cydia Impactor (a program made by saurik) for your operating system from the links above. Version 0.9.35 minimum is required. Extract it and open the ‘Impactor’ file.
  2. Once it opens, make sure your iOS device is plugged into your computer, and that your passcode, Touch ID lock and Find my iPhone is turned off during the jailbreak process. Select your device in the drop-down menu.
  3. Find the h3lix app IPA file you downloaded earlier and drag it into the Cydia Impactor tool. If a warning appears, click ‘OK’.
  4. You will be asked to enter your Apple ID. This is used only to create a certificate for the h3lix app to be installed and will not be visible to anything other than Apple’s servers.
  5. Once you have entered your Apple ID and password, click ‘OK’. The h3lix app should now be installed on your device.
  6. Once the h3lix app is installed, open Settings and navigate to General>Profiles & Device Management and find the h3lix app profile (should be your Apple ID). Open it and click ‘Trust’ twice.
  7. Open the h3lix app. You should see a yellow ‘jailbreak’ button. Tap on this button and the jailbreak should begin. The h3lix app should now be installing Cydia. Do NOT do anything else with the device while this is happening. If this does not work the first time, just try again until it does.
  8. Once Cydia is installed your device will respring. Cydia should now be on your home screen! Open the Cydia app and it should open without any problems. If it doesn’t open, follow steps 9 and 10.
  9. As this is a Semi-Tethered jailbreak, after you reboot your device all jailbreak features will be disabled. To fix this all you need to do is open the h3lix app, tap the ‘kickstart’ button, and wait a few seconds for your device to respring (do not press anything on the device in this time).
  10. Once your device resprings, your jailbreak functionality will be restored!
  11. If you do not have a paid Apple developer account, the h3lix app may start to crash one week after being installed. This is because the certificate for it will have expired. To fix this, all you need to do is reinstall the h3lix app using the instructions you just followed.

Video Guide: