День благодарения история праздника презентация. Урок-презентация по английскому языку «День Благодарения

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Презентация - День Благодарения (на английском языке)

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Americans of all religions celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a special day for families and people travel great distances to be with their families. They give thanks for the food and blessings.

The tradition started when in 1620 a group of men , women and children left England on a ship called Mayflower. They were pilgrims and they wanted to start a new life in the New World

The voyage was very hard.They were cold and hungry and many of them died. The voyage took 65 days. They landed on the north –east coast of North America. What today we know as Massachusetts. When they arrived it was almost winter so they had no time to grow crops. The winter was long. Very few survived.

In spring native Americans, the wampanoag Indians, helped them. They taught the pilgrims how to grow corn, how to hunt and how to fish. The summer harvest was very good and by november, a year after their first arrival, there was food for everybody.

The pilgrims wanted to celebrate it and invited the native Americans to a great dinner where they gave thanks to God for the food. That was the first Thanksgiving.

Today the traditional thanksgiving meal is similar to the first. They eat roast turkey with cranberry sauce, potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie.

The pilgrims were thankful for the help from the Indians. So, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful! Most families go around the table and say something they are thankful for before eating.
What are you thankful for?

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  • There is one day in a year when all Americans stay at home with their families and eat a big dinner. It is the last Thursday in November. People call this holiday Thanksgiving Day. It is perhaps the most important day in American year.

  • These people belonged to the religious group of Puritans which was pursued in England. They did not believe in the Church of Rome, the Pope or the power of the king over other people but thought that God was in people’s hearts, not in the church.

  • They took their wives and children and started this journey from Plymouth, England in September, 1620.
  • The name of the ship was “Mayflower”. A lot of its passengers were Puritans
  • (later they were called the pilgrims).

  • The crew of t he “ Mayflower “ made a mistake and the ship came to anchor in Cape Cod which is now the Provincetown Harbor. It was in the morning of the 11 th of November.

  • Some passengers landed in Cape Cod but most of them didn’t leave the ship. This place wasn’t very suitable for a settlement. Some time later they decided to sail to Plymouth Rock .

  • “ Mayflower” brought 102 English men, women and children to the rocky coast of Plymouth Rock.
  • Their voyage lasted almost two months.

  • After nearly two months in new land the Pilgrims decided to go on the shore and built their village. This place was much better than Cape Cod. They were among the first European settlers in America.

The pilgrims" first winter in the New World was difficult. It was rather severe. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food, half of pilgrims died.

From 102 settlers survived only 56.

Chose the right answer

The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on

  • the first of November;
  • the last day of November;
  • the last Thursday of November;
  • the last Sunday of November.

The pilgrims were

  • the travellers;
  • the group of believers in God;
  • dangerous criminals;
  • the discoverers of new lands.

Chose the right answer

Puritans believed

  • in the Church of Rome;
  • in the Pope of Rome;
  • in the power of the king over other people;
  • that God lives in people’s hearts.

Firstly the pilgrims arrived in

  • the South America;
  • the Provincetown Harbor;
  • New York.

Chose the right answer

The name of the pilgrims’ ship was

  • “ I love you”;
  • “ Wild daffodil”;
  • “ Good luck”;
  • “ Mayflower”.

Their trip lasted

  • lasted almost two months;
  • lasted almost two weeks;
  • five days;
  • half an hour.

and to survive in America .

The first Thanksgiving feast

  • In the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. They decided to have special dinner from turkey, corn, beans and pumpkin.
  • And invited their Indian friends to share their feast. The Indians brought food to the holiday too.

  • a) The ship came to anchor in Cape Cod which is now the Provincetown Harbor.
  • b) The colonists celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast .
  • c) Puritans were pursued in England.
  • d) The pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, which is now in the state of Massachusetts.
  • e) They went to America.
  • 1) Puritans were pursued in England.
  • 2) They went to America.
  • 3)The ship came to anchor in Cape Cod which is now the Provincetown Harbor.
  • 4)The pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, in which is now in the state of Massachusetts.
  • 5)The colonists celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast.

  • one day in a year
  • big dinner.
  • the last Thursday in November.
  • Puritans
  • be pursued
  • to base a colony in the New World
  • freedom
  • worship God
  • the name of the ship
  • to die
  • to teach
  • feast
  • to invite
  • to thank God

  • Thanksgiving Day became a national holiday after the decree of the first president of the country George Washington in 1789.

  • On Thanksgiving Day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away.
  • Children are here at the table.

  • The Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in fall.
  • In New England, the place where they lived, there were many wild birds. They were like chickens, but much bigger. The birds were turkeys.
  • Wild turkeys were on the table and since then a turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.

  • After meal somebody from adults will necessarily tell: “For what are we grateful this year?”
  • - and everyone will tell by the turn: “I am grateful for...”

  • Some people go to the church to celebrate the holiday .
  • Some people watch football on TV or at the stadium this day.

  • or write poems with words of gratitude
  • People send cards to each other

Holiday Letters

is for turkey on Thanksgiving Day,

is for " Hurry , I"m hurry!" we say.

Auntie , she works and she mends,

is for Native American friends .

is for kitchen , the oven"s on low

is for silverware , set in a row

is for Grandma , the one we love most,

is for inside , where we"re warm as toast.

is for vegetables , eat them we try,

is for ice - cream on top of the pie.

is for November when we always warm dressing,

is for Grandpa , who gives thanks for our blessings.

What do these letters mean?

1 is for 2 is for

3 is for 4 is for

What do these letters mean?

5 is for 6 is for

7 is for 8 is for

What do these letters mean?

9 is for 10 is for

11 is for 12 is for

  • There is no more American holiday, than Thanksgiving Day. There is no less politized holiday, than Thanksgiving Day .
  • Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless.
  • The president will find time and go to help to homeless, the poor and old men this day . His role is to show an example of charity to the country.

  • One more tradition is solemn ceremony of the pardon of a turkey
  • President reads the decree and cautiously irons the disturbed bird. Then it is sent to the zoo where it will live till its old age.

Let’s discuss: “ Is this a good idea to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?”



to help the poor and needy;

Use these word combinations to express your ideas

Not to have gratitude in their hearts;

to spend a lot of money;

to gather with relatives

I suppose (that)-

some plants and factures don’t work;

My view is that-

My opinion is that-

can drink a lot of vine;

to remember history;

this time can be used for more useful thing, such as…;

Answer the questions :

  • -Why Thanksgiving Day is the most American holiday?
  • - When did the Americans celebrate the first Thanksgiving Day?
  • - Why did they decide to do Thanksgiving feast ?
  • - When and how did Thanksgiving Day become the national holiday?
  • - What traditions do the Americans have for this day?
  • - Do you like this holiday? (Why? Why not?)
  • - Do you agree with the motto of the lesson “ Give thanks for everything; because this is God’s will

about you in Christ Jesus”. Explain your opinion .

The presentation was made by Bulatova Olga Alexandrovna, the teacher of BOU SOSH 10, stanitsa Vasurinskaya, Dinskoy district, Krasnodar region.


Motto- девиз

Still - все еще, все же

Will - воля

herb - flavoured bread - приправленный травой хлеб

Christ Jesus - Иисус Христос

Perhaps - возможно, вероятно

cranberry jelly - клюквен н ое желе

mashed potatoes - пюре

Fall - осень ( Am.E)

Dessert - десерт

To belong- принадлежать

Gather - собираться

To be pursued - быть преследуемым

Filled - уставленный

To decide - решать

Pacified - умиротворенный

To sail - плыть под парусами

To base- основывать

Spirit - дух

Adults - взрослые

Desired - желанный

Necessarily - обязательно

To worship- поклоняться

Grateful - благодарный

Гавань Кейп-Кода

by the turn- по очереди

Crew - экипаж

Gratitude - благодарность

Anchor - якорь

Silverware -серебряные приборы

Harbor - гавань, пристань

Row -ряд

To land - высаживаться на землю

Suitable - подходящий

Oven -духовка

Rock - скала

Auntie -тетушка

To float - плавание

Mend - справляться

Inside - внутренняя часть дома

Rocky - скалистый

Top -вершина

Voyage - морское путешествие

Dressing -украшение

Nearly - почти

Blessing - благословение

Shore - берег моря или океана

To remain - оставаться

Among - среди

Charitable - благотворительный

Settler - поселенец

To impose - накладывать

Severe - суровый

Crops - зерновые культуры

Generous - щедрые порции

Portion - порция

To survive - выживать

Charity - благотворительность

Harvest - урожай

Pardon - помилование

Corn - зерно

Decree - указ, декрет

Beans - бобы

Solemn- торжественный

To invite - приглашать

Cautiously - осторожно

To share - делить, разделять

To iron - гладить

Feast - пир, празднование

Disturbed - встревоженный

Данная презентация может быть использована на уроках иностранного языка и во внеурочной деятельности. Материал знакомит учащихся с происхождением данного американского праздника и современными традициями. Весь материал представлен на русском языке, что позволяет использовать его в начальной школе и на других уроках.


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Подписи к слайдам:

THANKSGIVING DAY День благодарения

День благодарения празднуется в четвертый четверг ноября. Сама идея празднования осени и окончания сбора урожая восходит к глубочайшей древности, но у американцев эти дни связаны еще и непосредственно с историей освоения новых земель. 26 декабря 1620 г. после двухмесячного плавания к пустынному берегу Америки причалил корабль “ Mayflower ” (“Майский цветок”).

Пассажиры – группа англичан, спасавшихся от религиозного преследования на своей родине. Они пустились в столь опасное путешествие в надежде основать в Новом Свете колонию, где они смогли бы, наконец, обрести вожделенную свободу. Берег, на который высадились англичане, позже они назвали Новой Англией, в честь своей покинутой родины.

Первый год на новом месте оказался очень суровым. Вскоре ударили морозы, и люди стали терпеть голод и лишения. Половина пилигримов тяжело заболела и погибла в ту зиму. А весной оставшиеся в живых завязали дружбу с индейцами, которые научили их выращивать кукурузу и тыкву, ловить диких индюшек, отличать съедобные растения от ядовитых, находить родники с питьевой водой, охотничьи тропы и рыбные места.

Свой первый урожай колонисты собрали ранней осенью. В честь него они устроили большой праздник, на который пригласили своих друзей-индейцев. Пиршество затянулось на несколько дней, в течение которого все лакомились жареной индюшкой, тыквой и кукурузой. Чтобы отметить это чудесное событие, и был установлен День Благодарения.

День Благодарения – семейный праздник, родные и друзья съезжаются со всей страны, чтобы посидеть за общим столом, уставленным традиционным угощением. Это ‑ непременно индюшка, сладкий картофель ямс с взбитым цветочным соусом, клюквенный соус, начинка из сухарных кубиков со специями, картошка, бататы, тыквенный пирог и подливка. Если же кто-то остался без праздничного обеда, то его пригласят благотворительные организации. Сам президент в этот день помогает кормить бездомных, бедных и стариков, накладывая им на тарелки щедрые порции.

Еще одна традиция праздника – торжественная церемония помилования индюшки, которая проводится в Белом доме с 1947 г. В соответствии с этой традицией хотя бы одна индейка должна избежать участи оказаться на праздничном столе. Индюшек для церемонии помилования поставляет Национальная федерация производителей индейки (National Turkey Federation). За несколько месяцев до церемонии отбирают 30 птиц, чьи кандидатуры затем выставляются на голосование на сайте Белого дома. Этих индеек специально готовят к почетной миссии – кормят с рук и приучают не бояться незнакомых людей.

В канун Дня Благодарения президенту США на особой церемонии демонстрируют двух наиболее достойных представителей семейства индюшачьих – собственно “национальную индюшку” и ее заместителя – “вице-индюшку”. Первая будет торжественно помилована, а вторая – украсит праздничный обед в Белом доме. Обязанность “вице-индюшки” еще и в том, чтобы подменить птицу номер один в случае болезни или безвременной кончины. В ходе церемонии помилования президент зачитывает указ и осторожно гладит встревоженную птицу. Позже ее отправляют в зоопарк, где она живет до старости.

Уже не одно столетие существует традиция написания песен ко Дню благодарения. На сам День Благодарения принято устраивать парады, в большинстве своем костюмированные, в одеждах XVII века и костюмах индейцев.

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Слайд 3

Описание слайда:

Origin of Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving is America"s preeminent day. It is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. It has a very interesting history. Its origin can be traced back to the 16th century when the first thanksgiving dinner is said to have taken place. Journey of Pilgrims The legendary pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the year 1620 in Mayflower-A 17th Century sailing vessel. About 102 people traveled for nearly two months with extreme difficulty. This was so because they were kept in the cargo space of the sailing vessel. No one was allowed to go on the deck due to terrible storms. The pilgrims comforted themselves by singing Psalms- a sacred song.

Описание слайда:

Arrival in Plymouth The pilgrims reached Plymouth rock on December 11th 1620, after a sea journey of 66 days. Though the original destination was somewhere in the northern part of Virginia, they could not reach the place owing to winds blowing them off course. Nearly46 pilgrims died due to extreme cold in winter. However, in the spring of 1621, Squanto, a native Indian taught the pilgrims to survive by growing food.

Слайд 5

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First Thanksgiving Feast It is said that Pilgrims learnt to grow corn, beans and pumpkins from the Indians, which helped all of them survive . In the autumn of 1621, they held a grand celebration where 90 people were invited including Indians. The grand feast was organized to thank god for his favors. This communal dinner is popularly known as “The first thanksgiving feast”. There is however, no evidence to prove if the dinner actually took place. .

Описание слайда:

Turkey and First Thanksgiving Feast There is no evidence to prove if the customary turkey was a part of the initial feast. According to the first hand account written by the leader of the colony, the food included, ducks, geese, venison, fish, berries etc.

Слайд 9

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Слайд 11

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Parades The traditional Thanksgiving parade probably started with President Lincoln proclaiming it an official day. The full- dress parade is a way to display the country"s military strength and discipline. The main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. In the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.

Слайд 12

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Слайд 13

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Thanksgiving Day Recipes Thanksgiving is all about sharing, merry-making and feasting. Families get together for their customary "thanksgiving dinner". The festivity will be incomplete without making the customary "Turkey" for dinner. Delight your near and dear ones with these mouth watering recipes. Right from main course to desserts, we have it all.

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