Топик по английскому сезоны с переводом. Seasons, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом

Seasons of a year

Each of four seasons has its own charm and beauty. Spring revives nature, summer breathes with numerous scents and autumn brings grace and nostalgia. Severe winter hardens us in its specific manner. Common weather of seasons determines their mood. Thoughtful watching of changing of showers, snows, bright and dull days makes fill gratitude to the nature.

Времена года (перевод текста)

Каждый сезон отличается своим очарованием и красотой. Весна оживляет природу, лето полнится множеством ароматов, а осень - ностальгией и грацией. Суровая зима по-своему закаляет нас. Погода, характерная для сезона определяет и его настроение. Вдумчивое наблюдение за сменой дождей, снегов, ярких и пасмурных дней вызывает чувство благодарности.

Springs awakening

At spring nature wakes from long winter sleep. Weather becomes warmer from day to day, plants are blooming and all living creatures show their voices. Appearing of snowdrops claims complete authority of spring. Warm sun and short rains closer summer days and first May thunderstorm claims begging of completely warm days.

Весеннее пробуждение (перевод текста)

Весной природа просыпается от длинного зимнего сна. Изо дня в день становится теплее, растения расцветают и все живые существа подают голоса. Появление подснежников означает полноправие весны. Теплое солнце и короткие дожди приближают лето, а первая майская гроза возвещает по-настоящему тёплую погоду.

Summers growth

Summer turns everything around in a bright green. Meadows are cowered with green, upper branches of trees are even greener. Millions of scents are floating in the air and everything lives and breathes. But summer night is most special time when one can admire starry skies.

Heat of middle summer diluted with short but intense showers bring beautiful rainbows. But blessed summer days eventually come to their end signed by first yellow leaves.

Летний рост (перевод текста)

Лето одевает все вокруг в буйные зелёные цвета. Луга покрыты зеленью, а древесные кроны и того зеленее. Миллионы прекрасных запахов витают в воздухе, и всё живёт и дышит. Но лучше всего тёплые летние ночи с безумно звёздным небом. А летняя жара, разбавленная резвыми короткими ливнями, дарит нам прекрасные радуги. Но роскошные летние дни заканчиваются, о чём говорят первые жёлтые листья.

Autumns grace

Autumn is filled with graceful falling of leaves, frequent rains and heavy clouds. It seems to be dull and sad yet nature becomes delightfully beautiful in autumn. Numerous shades of orange, red and brown in whirling and rustling leaves are indescribable. And when all leaves had fall to the ground naked trees are marking coming of winter.

Осенняя грация (перевод текста)

Осень наполнена элегантным кружением листьев, дождями и тяжелыми тучами. Сезон кажется тусклым и скучным, но природа осенью приобретает совершенно неповторимую красоту. Многочисленные оттенки красного, жёлтого и коричневого в кружащихся и шуршащих листьях неописуемы. Но когда все они опадают, голые деревья возвещают приход зимы.

Winters majesty

Winter is the white queen which covers everything with cold, soft and fluffy blanket of snow. Nature sleeps restoring strength before new coil of year cycle. Days are dark and short and nights are long and cold. Yet sleeping nature is beautiful in its own way. Moon sparkles on snow, all sounds are muted and majesty of winter remains until first warming.

Зимнее величие (перевод текста)

Зима - белая королева, которая укрывает всё холодным белым покрывалом снега. Природа спит, восстанавливая силы для нового витка годового цикла. Дни темны и коротки, ночи длинны и холодны. Но спящая природа красива по-своему. Луна блестит на чистом покрывале снега, звуки приглушены и зимнее величие остаётся до первого потепления.

На этой странице находится топик по английскому по теме SEASONS OF THE YEAR AND THE WEATHER

I’d like to say that the weather in Russia depends greatly on the climatic conditions in the eastern part of the European continent. In England, for example, it depends on the sea and they say that they have no climate, only weather as it may change several times during the day. Perhaps for this reason the weather topic is favourite with the English and is at the same time a good conversation starter.

Here in Russia we don’t talk much of the weather, we just take it as it is. There are four definitely marked seasons here which considerably differ from each other. In general the climate in Russia can be characterized as moderately continental. It means that winters are fairly cold and summers are moderately hot. Though, of course, there may be exceptions.

Although each season lasts three months, in reality some of the seasons are longer and some are shorter. The longest in Russia is winter. Snow may fall as early as November and may not melt as late as the end of March. Summer on the contrary is the shortest season. It becomes really warm somewhere late in June. Late August is often rainy and cool as if warning that autumn is near.

Every season is good in its own way. And every season has its own negative features. Consider autumn for instance. It is the time when nature fades away. The days grow shorter. Cold weather sets in. Hoar frost covers the ground at night. It rains. Some autumn days may be really nasty when it doesn’t stop raining for days or even weeks. But in spite of all this I like autumn. It’s the period when the leaves are of beautiful colours from yellow to dark red. It’s the time of harvest and a splendid variety of fruit and vegetables that only autumn can offer.

Winter in Russia usually comes in November. At this time the countryside looks gloomy, calm and still. Snow covers up the ground and the roofs of the houses. On frosty days the branches of the trees are feathered with snow. In winter the sky is often grey and cloudy and it sometimes gets rather depressing and boring. Maybe one of the most unpleasant things about winter is that the sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and most people spend long dark winter evenings at home.

Summer comes in June and lasts usually till the end of August. The average temperature in summer is about 20-22 degrees above zero. Everyone would agree that summer is by far the best loved season. Who doesn’t enjoy bathing on a hot day in a cool river, picking mushrooms in the forest, basking in the sun on the beach and so on. I am crazy about things like this. But the main thing is certainly having a two-month holiday. It is great fun for schoolchildren.

And yet, the best season of the year for me is spring. I love spring. It is the time when nature comes to life again after its winter rest. Everything around is in bloom. The first flowers appear, trees put on new green leaves and everything is fresh and fragrant. In May cherry and apple trees burst into blossom and it’s a breath-taking sight. So in spring the nature starts living anew. I enjoy long walks in the country when everything is green. I share the opinion of those who say that spring is the season of love, hope and happiness.

In my view a person’s life depends to a certain degree on the climatic conditions he lives in. Though the English say «There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes», in reality bad weather influences our mood, emotions and even the physical state. Moreover, the economy of whole countries and their agriculture are determined by the climate.

As we live in the eastern part of Europe, the seasons here have their own specific features, both attractive and unpleasant. Let’s take autumn, for instance, when the nature fades away. The days grow shorter and nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground. Gradually its gets colder and colder. But worst of all is rain and drizzle. There are days when it rains for a while then the rain stops, but soon it starts again - and this goes on throughout the day. All these things are well-known and nobody can say he likes them.

Yet there are many people, who like autumn. They try to look at the bright side of this season. They see autumn as the time of golden leaves, when the nature is quiet and attractive. Poets of all nations have sung autumn as the most beautiful time of the year. Golden autumn, they call it, and it’s really fantastic when the Indian summer sets in. I love that short spell of dry sunny weather when the sky is blue and cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. Lord Byron, unlike Pushkin, didn’t like autumn. So once he said: «I like the weather, when it’s not raining. That is, I like two months of every year. They are certainly not autumn months». Autumn with rain and drizzle doesn’t appeal to me either.

I like winter much better. In my opinion the white kingdom of winter is wonderful. At this time nature is having a rest. Snow covers up the ground, and the vast fields blanketed with snow which glitters in the sun, look fabulous to me. I admire forests in winter as well. The only disadvantage is that the days are short. Many people stay most of their time inside, though many of them do winter sports like skiing or skating. I usually make myself comfortable in front of the TV set on cold winter evenings. But at the same time there is no denying the fact that winter is a hard time. Think of severe frosts and long dark nights when the wind is howling outside. But as we know neither good nor bad things last forever. Winter is always followed by spring and then summer.

Summer usually lasts for three months in Russia. The warmest is July. It’s never too hot or too cold here in summer. But last summer was unusually cool with many rainfalls and storms. The temperatures didn’t go above 20°.

Although summer is the best and the happiest season for most people, my favourite season is spring. It is the time when nature changes from grey to green and from cold to warm. Spring comes rather late in Belarus. March is cold and April is usually cool and rainy but May is really beautiful, especially when the trees are in blossom. I love spring, it makes me feel more cheerful and active. And in conclusion, I want to say again that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way and we never stop wondering at the nature’s wisdom and harmony.

18 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Времена года

Топик по английскому языку: Времена года (The seasons of the year). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.


Все знают, что времен года четыре и каждое из них обладает своим очарованием. Давайте начнем с осени. В сентябре и начале октября все еще тепло, ярко светит солнце, и на небе нет ни облачка. Потом приходит ноябрь и приносит нам холодные ветры, промозглые мрачные дни, которые становятся все короче и короче. Холодные осенние дожди ужасны, так как могут идти часами. Природа медленно засыпает. Однако, существует огромное количество людей, которые любят осень за сбор урожая и золотую листву. Кроме того, поэты в своих произведениях чаще всего воспевают осень как самое красивое время года.


Затем приходит зима. Следует отметить, сто наши зимы не очень холодные. Снежные бури и снегопады случаются редко. Зимой мы все любим кататься на коньках и лыжах. Кроме того, зимой мы празднуем Новый год и Рождество и дарим друг другу множество подарков. Земля покрыта снегом с декабря по март, и кажется, зима не кончится никогда.


Март приносит с собой надежду. Природа пробуждается от долгого зимнего сна, птицы возвращаются из теплых стран и все вокруг обещает что-то новое и волнующее. Я всегда радуюсь окончанию зимы с ее долгими темными ночами и завывающими ветрами. Весной деревья одеваются в листву, свежую и красивую, воздух пахнет молодой травой и первыми цветами. Все вокруг наполнено радостями жизни.


Вслед за весной приходит лето. Я думаю, это самое прекрасное время года. Мне нравится сидеть у реки в жаркий летний день, собирать ягоды и грибы и лежа на пляже. Мы наслаждаемся каждой минутой хорошей погоды, но, пожалуй, самое главное – три месяца каникул. Летом мы встречаем новых друзей, получаем массу новых впечатлений и весело проводим время. Но лето подходит к концу, приходит осень и все начинается с начала.


В заключение хотелось бы сказать, что, несмотря на любовь к лету, мне нравятся все времена года.

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The seasons of the year


Everyone knows that there are four seasons in a year and each season has its charm. Let’s take autumn first. In September and the beginning of October it’s still warm and the sun shines brightly in the cloudless sky. Then November brings us cool winds, nasty and bloomy days which become shorter and shorter. Cold autumn rains are awful as they pour for hours. Nature is slowly falling asleep. However, there are lots of people who like autumn because it’s the time of harvest and golden leaves. Besides, poets of all nations considered autumn the most beautiful season of the year.


Then comes winter. I should say it’s not very cold in our region. There aren’t many snowstorms and snowdrifts. In winter we all enjoy skating and skiing. Moreover, we celebrate New Year and Christmas with lots of presents. Snow covers the ground from December to March and it seems that winter will never end.


March brings us hopes and nature wakes up after a long sleep, birds come back from warm countries and everything around us promises something new and exciting. I am always glad that winter is over with its long black nights and the wind howling outside. In spring trees burst into leaves, fresh and lovely, the air smells of young grass and first flowers. Everything is filled with life pleasures.


Then spring turns to summer. To my mind, it’s the most marvelous season of the year. I like being on a hot day in a cool river, picking berries and mushrooms and lying on the beach. We enjoy every minute of the weather, but the main thing is certainly having a three-month holiday. In summer we have new meetings, new impressions and merry time. But summer is over and autumn comes and everything starts from the very beginning.


I’d like to finish saying that despite my love for the summer I admire other seasons as well.

There are four seasons in a year - winter, spring, summer and autumn. And, I think, every season has a charm of its own.

Winter is the coldest season of the year. Winter months are December, January and February. The weather is very cold. The sun is shining but it’s not warm. It gets dark earlier and sunrise is later. The days are short and gloomy and the nights are long. Winter is a very beautiful season and many people like it very much. It usually snows in winter. So, the ground is covered with snow. The trees and the roofs are white with snow, too. The water in the rivers and lakes freezes. People start wearing warm clothes. It is such a pleasure to walk when it is not very cold and it is snowing. Winter is the ideal time for those who go in for winter sports. Many people like winter because they can go skiing, skating, playing hockey and other winter games.

Spring comes straight after long cold winter time and brings three wonderful months - March, April and May. Everybody usually is looking forward to spring because it is a very nice and beautiful season. The weather is getting warmer and warmer, everything is changing, the nature is waking up. The birds return from the hot countries and build their nests. They sing sweetly on the branches of the trees. The trees become greener. The greenery is fresh and young in the streets, in the parks and in the yards. The weather is usually fine and it is warm. Sometimes it rains but usually the sun is shining brightly.

After spring there comes summer . Oh, how people usually wait for summer to come! Spring is the most favourite part of the year for all people. This season makes everybody so happy! Shining sun makes everybody smile and laugh and look at their life positively. Summer months are June, July and August. It is warm. The sky is blue and cloudless. The days are again longer and the nights are shorter. There are many nice flowers around in the parks and squares in summer. The pupils have summer holidays so they do not go to school. People go on vacation or to the countryside. Summer is the best part of the year for the students too. In summer there is the longest day and the shortest night in the year on the 21st-22nd of June. July is the middle month of summer. It is hot and sun shines brightly. August is the last summer month some times it is cold in August, but there are many mushrooms, berries and fruits. All of us enjoy bright flowers, fruits that summer brings.

After summer comes autumn . September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is very changeable in this season . You can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere. It is time to gather the harvest. Sometimes autumn weather is bad. There are a lot of rainy days. So, the roads are dirty. Students and pupil begin schooling. The warm days of early autumn art called the “Golden Autumn”. The “Golden Autumn” is really beautiful with its yellow, red and brown trees and golden leaves falling down. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables.

Перевод некоторых слов:

a season - время года, сharm - шарм, очарование, winter - зима, spring - весна, summer - лето, autumn - осень, to get dark - темнеть, sunrise - восход, gloomy - пасмурный, a roof - крыша, to freeze - замерзать, to wear - носить, pleasure - удовольствие, straight after - сразу после a branch - ветка, a nest - гнездо, to wake up - будить, cloudless - безоблачный, vacation - отпуск, каникулы, a mushroom - гриб.

Topic: Four Seasons of the Year

Тема: Четыре времени года

There are, all in all, four seasons of the year. Everyone knows that these are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Most of us will say that their most favourite seasons are spring and summer, and the least favouirite ones are autumn and winter. Indeed, few people like when it is wet, rainy and chilly. Usually they prefer sunny and warm weather. Nevertheless, I think that every time of the year has its own pros and cons. And I’ll try to explain what I like and what I dislike about each season.

Всего есть четыре времени года. Всем известно, что это зима, весна, лето и осень. Большинство из нас скажут, что их любимые времена года – это весна и лето, а нелюбимые – осень и зима. И в самом деле, мало кто любит сырость, холод и дождь. Обычно люди предпочитают теплую и солнечную погоду. Тем не менее, я считаю, что у каждого времени есть свои плюсы и минусы. И я постараюсь объяснить то, что мне нравится и что не нравится в каждом времени года.

So, let’s begin with winter. As you know, it is the coldest season throughout the year. Usually in , the ground gets covered with snow that doesn’t melt till March or April. The weather often changes from wet into frosty, which causes ice-slick. Icy roads and sidewalks are usually sanded and salted, that’s why in big cities it’s often muddy in winter. That’s why I prefer to spend weekends in the countryside, where everything is white and clean. I like snowfalls: large snow flakes dancing in the air look really beautiful. Unfortunately, snowfalls and snowstorms are always the cause of terrible traffic jams. Of course, it irritates me greatly. What I really like about this season is a great number of winter holidays and long vacations. Also I am fond of skiing and skating. My friends and I always go to the with great pleasure.

Итак, начнем с зимы. Как известно, это наиболее холодное время года. Обычно в декабре, который является первым зимним месяцем, земля покрывается снегом, который не растает до марта или апреля. Погода часто меняется с влажной на морозную, что приводит к гололеду. Покрытые льдом дороги тротуары обычно посыпают песком и солью, поэтому в больших городах зимой часто бывает грязно. Так что я предпочитаю проводить выходные за городом, где все белое и чистое. Мне нравятся снегопады: крупные хлопья снега, кружащиеся в воздухе, выглядят по-настоящему красиво. К сожалению, снегопады и метели всегда становятся причиной ужасных пробок на дорогах. Конечно, меня это очень сильно раздражает. А вот что мне действительно нравится в этом времени, так это большое количество зимних праздников и долгие каникулы. Еще я увлекаюсь лыжами и коньками. Я и мои друзья всегда с большим удовольствием ходим на каток.

The beginning of spring is always associated with the 8th of March festival for me. The sun begins to shine brighter; the air gets warmer and the days – longer. I like the spring sky – blue and clear. Also I like the smell of the first spring flowers, the chant of birds, which return from faraway countries. But I definitely don’t like snow melting, giant puddles and mud on the roads. My favourite spring month is May, when trees and bushes are in full bloom, meadows get covered with emerald-green grass, days are long and fine, and the weather is warm but not too hot. This time of the year is perfect for picnics and trips to the countryside with friends.

Начало весны для меня всегда ассоциируется с праздником 8-е марта. Солнце становится ярче, воздух - теплее, а дни – длиннее. Я люблю весеннее небо – голубое и чистое. Также мне нравится запах первых весенних цветов, пение птиц, которые возвращаются и дальних стран. Но я определенно не люблю таяние снега, огромные лужи и грязь на дорогах. Мой любимейший весенний месяц – это май, когда деревья и кустарники вовсю цветут, луга покрываются изумрудной травой, дни становятся долгими и солнечными, а погода – теплой, но не слишком жаркой. Это время года идеально для пикников и поездок за город с друзьями.

Of course, there are many moments that I like about summer. At this time of the year schoolchildren and university students have the longest vacation. As for adults, they also try to take a vacation in summer. The weather gets really hot, so, we don’t need warm clothes any more. I like wearing nice dresses, shorts and T-shirts, open toe shoes and sandals. I like walking until late at night with my friends, not thinking of my studies. I like going to the seaside with my family. Finally, I like to spend time in the village at my grandmother’s. But at the same time, I dislike when the weather is too hot, because I can’t get asleep. , and I am afraid of ticks.

Конечно, есть множество моментов, которые мне нравятся в лете. В это время года у школьников и студентов самые длинные каникулы. Что касается взрослых, то они тоже предпочитают брать отпуск летом. Погода становится по-настоящему жаркой, так что теплая одежда больше не нужна. Я люблю носить красивые платья, шорты и футболки, босоножки и сандалии. Мне нравится гулять допоздна с друзьями, не думая об учебе. Наконец, я люблю проводить время в деревне у бабушки. В то же время, мне не нравится, когда погода слишком жаркая, так как я не могу уснуть. Также я ненавижу комаров и боюсь клещей.