Аудирование. Аудирование Инструкция по выполнению работы

Задание В1. Базовый уровень. Пониманиие основного содержания.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между

высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными

в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное

соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее

утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. The art exhibition is worth visiting.

2. Those who love ballet will definitely enjoy it.

3. This book fair is a really popular place.

4. The concert didn’t appeal to the speaker.

5. This rock group’s new DVD is popular with teenagers.

6. Despite some drawbacks the opera was enjoyable.

7. The play really took my breath away.

Прослушать текст можно здесь:

Speaker A

Woman: I would definitely recommend it - you find things on every topic under the sun

there, from ancient Greek sculpture to the Japanese art of bonsai. But if you"re planning to

go, don"t leave it too late in the day. I went in the afternoon and it was really crowded,

especially round some of the more popular stands.

Speaker B

Man: They kept the curtain open during all the scene changes, which rather spoiled the

illusion for me. And they did it in modern dress, which I found a bit strange,

especially since it"s supposed to be set in ancient Egypt. But apart from those things,

I really enjoyed it. The female lead was superb; she had a wonderful voice of course,

but she was a good actress too , which isn"t always the case.

Speaker C

Woman: I only went because David persuaded me into it - he"s a big fan - but it wasn"t

really my cup of tea. Of course, they were fantastically fit and did the most amazing

leaps and twirls, and it was all quite pretty to look at. The music was nice too, bit I

did get a bit bored. In fact, I have to admit I fell asleep for a while in the second

Speaker D

Man: The Swinton retrospective at the Tate has really been pulling the crowds , so

get there early if you want to avoid queuing to get in. The irony of this popularity

would not have been lost on Swinton himself - he struggled for thirty years to

make a living from his work and it was only in the last decade of his life that his

cartoon-like images of daily life caught the public"s imagination.

Speaker E

Woman: Of course, it"s always harder to bring something fresh to the classics -

everyone"s got their own preconceived ideas about the right way it should be done.

But I must say, this production was absolutely fantastic. I was completely

spellbound from the moment the curtain rose and the final speech at the end of act

three brought tears to my eyes.

Speaker F

Woman The performance was certainly slick and the guitarist"s fingers as nimble as

ever, but I have to admit that I found the spectacle of a group of men in their fifties

pumping out songs of teenage rebellion more than a little ridiculous. This did not

seem to bother the audience, however, who had turned up in thousands to see the

heroes of their youth. Predictably, it was the old hits that went down best, while

songs from the new album met with a lukewarm response.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.


amazing leaps and twirls – удивительные прыжки и повороты

queue – очередь

preconceived ideas - предвзятые идеи

slick - гладкий, блестящий

as nimble as ever – такие же шустрые, как всегда


Вариант 2

контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения

пробного основного государственного экзамена по


Письменная часть

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Письменная часть экзаменационной работы по английскому языку состоит из четырёх разделов, включающих в себя 33 задания.

На выполнение заданий письменной части экзаменационной работы отводится 2 часа (120 минут).

В разделе 1 (задания по аудированию) предлагается прослушать несколько текстов и выполнить 8 заданий на понимание прослушанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий данного раздела 30 минут.

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) содержит 9 заданий на понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий раздела 30 минут.

Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) состоит из 15 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий раздела 30 минут.

Ответы к заданиям 1, 2, 9 записываются в виде последовательности цифр. Эту последовательность цифр запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы,

а затем перенесите в бланк ответов № 1.

Ответы к заданиям 3–8 и 10–17 записываются в виде одной цифры, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Эту цифру запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем перенесите в бланк ответов № 1.

Ответы к заданиям 18–32 записываются в виде слова (нескольких слов). Ответ запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем перенесите в бланк ответов № 1.

В разделе 4 (задание по письму) дано 1 задание, предлагающее

написать личное письмо. Задание выполняется на бланке ответов № 2. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение задания – 30 минут.

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы.

Баллы, полученные Вами за выполненные задания, суммируются.

Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успеха! __

Английский язык. 9 класс вариант 2 2018 г. - 2 /11

Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию)

1. In an airport 2. On a street 3. At a birthday party 4. In a shop 5. In the cinema Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами Ответ:

1. The speaker talks about his/her favourite subject.

2. The speaker explains how to use the school library.

3. The speaker talks about his/her after-class activities.

4. The speaker explains what his/her friend is angry about.

5. The speaker describes his/her school classroom.

6. The speaker describes a school book exhibition.

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами

Why has Thomas come from school earlier than usual? 1) His timetable changed. 2) He failed his mathematics test. 3) He felt unwell in the classroom. Ответ: What present does Thomas want to get? 1) A bicycle. 2) A snowboard. 3) A pair of skis. Ответ:

Английский язык. 9 класс вариант 2 2018 г. - 5 /11

Подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ

Среднее общее образование

Линия УМК М. В. Вербицкой. Английский язык "Forward" (10-11) (баз.)

Линия УМК О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой. "Rainbow English" (10-11) (баз.)

Английский язык

Разбираем ЕГЭ по английскому языку: раздел «Аудирование»

Готовимся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку вместе с педагогами. Разбираем задания, ищем решения, объясняем ответы.

Джалолова Светлана Анатольевна , учитель английского языка Высшей квалификационной категории. Победитель конкурсного отбора на соискание Гранта Москвы в сфере образования 2010г. Старший эксперт ГИА ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Победитель Всероссийской Олимпиады учителей английского языка «Профи-край» 2015 год. Почетная грамота Министерства образования РФ 2014 г., Грамота победителя конкурса лучших учителей РФ 2007г., Диплом победителя конкурса на соискание Гранта Москвы 2010 г.. Стаж работы - 23 года.

Недашковская Наталья Михайловна , Учитель английского языка Высшей квалификационной категории. Победитель ПНПО 2007 г. Победитель конкурсного отбора на соискание Гранта Москвы в сфере образования 2010г. Эксперт ГИА ОГЭ по английскому языку. Проводила педагогическую экспертизу учебных изданий при РАО 2015-2016. Почетная грамота Министерства образования РФ 2013 г., Грамота победителя конкурса лучших учителей РФ 2007г., Диплом победителя конкурса на соискание Гранта Москвы 2010 г. Стаж работы - 35 лет.
Подвигина Марина Михайловна , Учитель английского языка Высшей квалификационной категории. Победитель ПНПО 2008 г. Победитель конкурсного отбора на соискание Гранта Москвы в сфере образования 2010г. Старший эксперт ГИА ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Проводила педагогическую экспертизу учебных изданий при РАО 2015-2016. Почетная грамота Министерства образования РФ 2015 г., Грамота победителя конкурса лучших учителей РФ 2008г., Диплом победителя конкурса на соискание Гранта Москвы 2010 г. Стаж работы - 23 года.
Трофимова Елена Анатольевна , Учитель английского языка Высшей квалификационной категории. Старший эксперт ГИА ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Почетная грамота Министерства образования РФ 2013 г. Стаж работы - 15 лет.

Задание 2А – 2G

Задание 2. Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды. У Вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

Для успешного выполнения данного задания следует помнить следующее:

  • Необходимо извлекать запрашиваемую информацию из реплик каждого говорящего
  • Важно понимать разницу между вариантом «Неверно» и вариантом «В тексте не сказано». Неверное предложение содержит информацию, которая противоречит аудиотексту, а вариант «В тексте не сказано» означает, что в аудиотексте ничего не говорится по этому поводу.

Прежде, чем приступать к выполнению данного задания, необходимо внимательно прочитать утверждения и попробовать представить, о чем будет говориться в аудиотексте. В данном задании нельзя предположить правильный ответ до прослушивания. До прослушивания можно представить, какая информация может потребоваться (дата, время, цифры и т.д.), чтобы решить для себя во время прослушивания какое утверждение верное, какое - нет, о каком высказывании ничего не говорится в аудиотексте.

Рассмотрим аудиотекст диалога и утверждения к нему:
1. Joan and Steve begin with settling the date of the party
2. Joan and Steve were satisfied with the last year"s party
3. Steve is not sure how to spell the name of the new Indian restaurant
4. Steve visited the Park View Hotel before
5. Joan will call the restaurants
6. Joan and Steve agree on the price of £12 a head
7. The boss of Joan and Steve is a vegetarian.

Joan: First - dates… well. That’s straightforward.
Steve: The last working day before Christmas… which is…
Joan: … which is December 21 st .
Steve: The Red Lion, wasn’t it?
Joan: Yeah. We ought to go for something more expensive, ‘cause you… Steve: … you get what you pay for.
Steve: How do you spell that?
Joan: R-A-J-D-O-O-T.
Steve: But it’s bound to be packed.
Joan: And the London Arms just in case.
Steve: London Arms…
Steve: No. I’ll do it, Joan. You are really busy. Have you got the numbers? Joan: Not for the Rajdoot, but … right… Park View Hotel: 777193 and … London Arms: 207658.
Joan: Up to £15 a head?
Steve: OK. We’ll say £12?
Joan: OK.

1. Joan and Steve begin with settling the date of the party.

Joan: Right, Steve…About our party! Let’s try and get it sorted out today so we don’t have it hanging over us. OK?
Steve: Good idea, Joan. I’ll take notes.
Joan: First - dates… well. That’s straightforward

Ответ - 1 . Джоан и Стив начинают диалог с того, что собираются определиться с датами своего праздника.

2. Joan and Steve were satisfied with the last year"s party.

Steve: …which is going to be pretty difficult to book at Christmas so we’d better think of two or three places just to be on the safe side.
Joan: Well, last year was a disaster.
Steve: The Red Lion, wasn’t it?
Joan: Yeah. We ought to go for something more expensive, ‘cause you…
Steve: … you get what you pay for.

Ответ - 2 . Стив и Джоан отнюдь не были удовлетворены вечеринкой (were satisfied), оба собеседника считают, что поздний заказ ресторана, невозможность выбора ресторана в канун праздника было катастрофой (was a disaster) для вечеринки в прошлом году.

3. Steve is not sure how to spell the name of the new Indian restaurant.

Joan: That new Indian restaurant in Wetherfield is supposed to be excellent… the Rajdoot.
Steve: How do you spell that?
Joan: R-A-J-D-O-O-T.

Ответ - 1 . Стив просит произнести название ресторана по буквам.

4. Steve visited the Park View Hotel before.

Joan: Well, let’s put that down as the first choice and have some back-ups. What about the Park View Hotel as the second choice?
Steve: Yes, that’s always reliable. Park View Hotel…
Joan: And the London Arms just in case.

Ответ - 3 . Стив в диалоге всего лишь говорит, что the Park View Hotel (ресторан) - надежен. Никаких указаний на то, что Стив там был ранее нет.

5. Joan will call the restaurants.

Joan: I’ll call them now if you want.
Steve: No. I’ll do it, Joan. You are really busy. Have you got the numbers?

Ответ - 2 , так как Джоан вызывается обзвонить рестораны, но Стив против и собирается сделать это сам.

6. Joan and Steve agree on the price of £12 a head.

Steve: Great. Before I ring, we’d better just make sure they are within the price range.
Joan: Up to £15 a head?
Steve: I think you’ll find some people won’t be able to go that high.
Joan: Well, you can’t get anything decent under £10.
Steve: OK. We’ll say £12?
Joan: OK.

Ответ - 1. Джоан и Стив согласны на сумму 12 долларов с человека.

7. The boss of Joan and Steve is a vegetarian.

Steve: And we’d better make sure there’s good vegetarian food.
Joan: Yes, you know what the boss is like.
Steve: Don’t remind me. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anything.

Ответ - 1. Стив и Джоан стремятся убедиться в наличии хорошего вегетарианского меню для начальника.

Задания 3-9 Множественный выбор. Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды

Прежде чем выполнять данное задание, необходимо внимательно прочитать вопросы в задании, найти в них ключевые слова и подчеркнуть их, постараться подобрать синонимы к ключевым словам. Обращайте внимание не столько на слова, сколько на контекст. Большое значение в этом задании имеет контекст, так как и правильные, и неправильные варианты могут содержать слова и выражения из аудиотекста. В этом задании, как и в предыдущем, необходимо следить за репликами каждого участника диалога, так как запрашиваемая информация может быть в репликах любого участника интервью.

Рассмотрим аудиотекст интервью и утверждения к нему:

Dr Strait:
Presenter: You mean we have to put ourselves into the role of the manager or supervisor?
Dr Strait: Yes. And then we are going to imagine how different applicants would fit into the team or group they have to work with. So, we’ll look at some examples later.
Presenter: It’s just theoretical at the moment…
Dr Strait:
Dr Strait:
Dr Strait:
Presenter: But it doesn’t tell you anything. It doesn’t tell you if they are easygoing or hate smokers or whatever.
Dr Strait: Well, arguably it does give you information about an applicant’s character, but also … more and more employers around the world are making use of what is called ‘a personality questionnaire’ to help them select new staff and…
Presenter: Sorry, what’s it called?
Dr Straight:
Presenter: Which makes you think that there (fade out)

1) Which of the following is emphasised in the introduction?

1. Interviews
2. Staff selection
3. Question techniques

Presenter: Tonight we continue talking with Dr Strait. So far we’ve looked at various aspects of staff selection and I think by now you should all be beginning to see how much more there is to it than just putting the applicants through a short interview or asking the ‘right’ questions. So I think you should be ready for today’s talk on ‘matching the person to the job’.
Dr Strait: We’re going to talk today about the importance of choosing that all- round ‘right’ person.

Ответ: 2 - Staff selection

2) Dr Strait plans to discuss …

  1. the value of team work.
  2. basic managerial skills.
  3. how an applicant would fit in a team.

Dr Strait: Yes. And then we are going to imagine how different applicants would fit into the team or group they have to work with. So, we’ll look at some examples later
Dr Strait: Yes. The point is you can select someone – even a friend – who has all the right qualifications… degrees… certificates, whatever. You can also check that they have a lot of experience… that they’ve done the sort of tasks that you want them to do in your office already, in a similar environment.

Ответ: 3 - how an applicant would fit in a team.

3) Dr Strait underlines the importance of an applicant’s…

  1. qualifications.
  2. experience.
  3. group work skills.

Dr Strait: Yes. The point is you can select someone – even a friend – who has all the right qualifications… degrees… certificates, whatever. You can also check that they have a lot of experience… that they’ve done the sort of tasks that you want them to do in your office already, in a similar environment. But if they start work and you realize that they just don’t get along with everybody else, that… say they’ve got sharply contrasting views on how something will work… well, with the best intentions you may be backing a loser.

Dr Strait underlines the importance of an applicant’s / Доктор Стрейт подчеркивает, что соискателю важны

3.group work skills.

they start work and they just don’t get along with everybody else, that… say they’ve got sharply contrasting views on how something will work… well, with the best intentions you may be backing a loser.


упоминаются в тексте, но судя по контексту всего отрывка, по значимости образование и опыт уступают умению работать в команде (см начало отрывка)

Ответ: 3 - group work skills.

4) According to Dr Strait, an important part of teamwork is having trust in your…

  1. colleague’s ability.
  2. employer"s directions.
  3. company training.

Presenter: Wouldn’t it be just a question of company training though?
Dr Strait: Not always. Particularly in a team situation and I think it’s important to think in terms of that type of working environment. People have to have faith in each other’s ability to carry out the task their boss has set them. They have to trust that everyone will do their part of the job, and you can’t necessarily train people for this.

Ответ: 1 - colleague’s ability

5) The presenter doubts the effectiveness of…

  1. company training.
  2. job interviews.
  3. question techniques.

Presenter: But it’s like trying to find out what someone’s personality is like in a job interview... I mean you can’t just do that. Even if you try, you won’t find out what they are really like until they actually start work.

The presenter doubts the effectiveness of / Журналист сомневается в эффективности собеседований (2. job interviews). Им произносится следующая фраза: …it’s like trying to find out what someone’s personality is like in a job interview... I mean you can’t just do that

1. company training

3. question techniques

А следующие фразы: «you can’t necessarily train people for this», « in most interviews you usually ask candidates questions about their hobbies and what they like doing in their spare time… that sort of thing…», которые можно посчитать за синонимичные выражения данных вопросов, звучат в аудиозаписи совсем в других контекстах и ВНИМАНИЕ! принадлежат не журналисту, а доктору Стрейт.

1) Dr Strait: They have to trust that everyone will do their part of the job, and you can’t necessarily train people for this.

2) Dr Strait: Well, in most interviews you usually ask candidates questions about their hobbies and what they like doing in their spare time… that sort of thing… so employers are already involved in the practice of… well, doing part of the task.

Ответ: 2 - job interviews.

6) Dr Strait claims that finding out personal information is…

  1. a skill that requires practice.
  2. avoided by most interviewers.
  3. already a part of job interviews.

Dr Strait: Well, in most interviews you usually ask candidates questions about their hobbies and what they like doing in their spare time… that sort of thing… so employers are already involved in the practice of… well, doing part of the task.
Presenter : But it doesn’t tell you anything. It doesn’t tell you if they are easygoing or hate smokers or whatever
Dr Strait: Well, arguably it does give you information about an applicant’s character,

Ответ: 3 - already a part of job interviews.

7) According to Dr Strait, Personality Questionnaires…

  1. have a very long history.
  2. were first used by the military.
  3. were invented by large employers.

Dr Straight: A Personality Questionnaire. They have to be filled out by the candidates sometime during the selection procedure, often just before an interview. The idea is actually quite old. Apparently they were used by the ancient Chinese for picking out clerks and civil servants, and then later they were used by the military to put people in appropriate areas of work. They’ve gained a lot of ground since then and there are about 80,000 different tests available now and almost two thirds of the large employers use them.

Ответ: 1 - have a very long history.

По окончании выполнения зданий необходимо перенести ответы в бланк ответов.

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. One product - many dishes

2. Simple to prepare

3. Once local - now global

4. Good for everyone

5. More than food

6. Impossible to grow

7. Synonymous to food

8. Differrent table manners

A. Over the centuries, rice has become a part of the traditions of many cultures. In some societies, it is traditional to throw a handful of rice on newlywed couples, symbolizing the wish for a large family and prosperity. In India, rice is traditionally the first food that bride offers her new husband. It is typical for people to leave offerings of rice in Buddhist temples. In Thailand, the annual Royal Plowing Ceremony has taken place in front of the Grand Palace in Bangkok for seven centuries.

B. The basic recipe for cooking rice is easy. First you need to bring 2 cups of water to boil. When the water is boiling, add 1 cup of rice. Cover the pot. As soon as the water boils again, reduce the heat. Let the rice cook for 15 to 20 minutes. The rice is ready when all the water is absorbed. It’s now possible to buy rice cooking machines that cook perfect rice every time, especially in large quantities. This is particularly helpful in Asian cultures, where families often eat rice with every meal. In these countries, rice is also used to make pancakes, sweets and wine - indeed almost anything!

C. Rice is the primary source of nutrition for more than half of the world’s population. Countries as different as Japan, India, Nigeria and Mexico use rice in their national cuisine. In Chinese, the word for rice is the same as the word for food. And in Thailand, when you call your family to a meal, you say “eat rice.” So it’s easy to understand why the 2008 global rice shortage was a real crisis for billions of people. In some countries the shortage led to big price increases. Some governments had to control the sale of rice.

D. Many people consider rice to be one of the healthiest of possible food choices. It has no sodium or cholesterol, and almost no fat. One half cup of rice has approximately 100 calories, and those calories are rich in important vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, iron and zinc. Many athletes eat rice because as a carbohydrate it is a great source of energy. Rice even has certain chemicals in it that are supposed to improve your mood. Brown rice is the healthiest of all because it is 100% grain.

E. Archeologists believe that rice has been grown as a source of food for at least 4000 years. It was first grown in China, and then introduced to India. Over the centuries the practice of growing rice has spread literally across the globe. Today rice is grown in Peru, Egypt, and even the United States, but over 90% of the world’s rice is still grown in Asian countries. Rice is best grown in wet, sub-tropical climates, and in many countries it is still cultivated using intensive human and animal labor. For this reason, large families are still typical, and the water buffalo is a valued possession.

F. One of the amazing things about rice is how adaptable it is. It is an essential ingredient in cuisines all around the world - cuisines as different as Japanese, Mexican, and West African. The Japanese combine sticky rice with raw fish to create numerous varieties of sushi. Mexican rice, flavored with cumin and tomatoes, is a colorful side dish. Every country in West Africa has its own version of a regional rice dish called jollof, often served with fried plantain, a kind of banana.

G. All around the world people eat rice in different ways. In India it is traditional to eat rice with your right hand. You just mix the rice with a little curry, roll it into a ball, and pop it into your mouth. In China it’s common to use chopsticks (or kuaizi). People in Korea, Thailand and Vietnam eat their rice with a spoon. And in European countries and in the United States rice is eaten with a fork.

Holidays are an essential part of our culture. Yet not all people understand the importance of their celebration. They consider any celebration to be a waste of time, which, in fact, is not true.

In my opinion, we should celebrate holidays because they help to keep up our traditions and to preserve our culture. In addition, it is a good chance to bring the family together and to meet all your friends and relatives. What is more, there is a special atmosphere behind each holiday and it is a good opportunity to make people happy. As for me, I like the spirit of a holiday and always try to follow the traditions connected with it.

Nevertheless, not all people enjoy celebrations. They are not interested in ancient traditions and only regard holidays as additional time off work. They also believe that holidays are just an excuse for spending money or making it.

Actually, such attitude is wrong. I believe it is very important that traditions do survive in the country as they help to define who people are. Although people spend lots of money on presents, it is not only the present that counts, it is not only the present that counts, but also the fact that people greet each other and share the joy of the day.

To conclude, I want to say that holidays help to bring generations together. Personally, I enjoy celebrations. For me, a holiday is not just a day off but a special occasion and I usually prepare for it beforehand.